020736-428526-011875-6507 023043-117938-323752-0166 030646-002168-576333-4572 030629-402417-291490-9269 030645-692961-681552-3181 030684-874173-800013-1757 021335-126843-596665-2303 030630-892714-983279-9503 030642-708717-982030-4776 030613-816023-958218-6324 030666-350956-150354-8925*
* Any of these numbers will work with any version of Red Alert 2 from Westwood. There is no real reason for all the numbers, I guess it's just, the more the better.
There is NO known way to copy this game CORRECTLY. All the files can be copied and the autorun will initiate, but the game will NOT start. Sorry.